
Nur Farhana binti Shahrul Azhar
Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Medical Electronics

This blog is created for updating progress of Final Year Project 2 S2 2019 under supervision of Mr Shah Rizailli Mukhtar

Final Year Project 2 :
Development of a Characteristics Error False Alarm Detection

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"Even with broken wings,
I'll teach myself to fly again"
Week 10

Assalamualaikum and hi! 🌸

Week : 10
Date  : 29 Sept 2019 - 5 Oct 2019

Activities :

 1.  Coding - TelegramBot

πŸ“† 30 September 2019

πŸ“Œ For this project, the final output must be sent to the end-users social media specifically to the Telegram application. Telegram is cloud-based storage, so end-users do not need to back up or restore the data receives and send. I am having a problem with the coding which is the Arduino WeMos board cannot transmit the data received from Arduino UNO board to the Telegram via Wi-Fi connection. Arduino WeMos only succeed to connect to the Wi-Fi network but not transmitting any data to the Telegram. 
πŸ“Œ I only managed to create a TelegramBot for the project which is named alarmpmBot. This bot is created using BotFather in the Telegram application. BotFather gives the token of the alarmpmBot to access the HTTP API. By declaring this token in the coding, Arduino WeMos can transmit the data directly to the Telegram.
πŸ“Œ Unfortunately, Telegram still cannot be connected to the Arduino WeMos board and this problem needs to be troubleshoot. 

alarmpmBot is created using BotFather.
*click to expand image*

 2.  Improvement Advice by Supervisor.

πŸ“† 1 October 2019

πŸ“Œ Due to the signal conditioning circuit is a bit bigger, supervisor asked to desolder it back and construct it into a much compact circuit and if possible the same size of 50 cent. Even though the circuit is the same size as the Arduino UNO board and Arduino WeMos board, the advice by supervisor is being considered. 

Size of the signal conditioning circuit.
*click to expand image*

3.  Desoldering signal conditioning circuit

πŸ“†  2 October 2019
⌚  2.00 pm to 3.00 pm
πŸ“¬  Research Lab, Level 4, UniKL BMI

πŸ“Œ After being considered with the advice by supervisor, the signal conditioning circuit is desoldered and soldered back with a new circuit which is more smaller and compact. Even though it is a little bit bigger than 50 cents, but it is much compact and better than the previous one.
πŸ“Œ A technician who in charge of the research lab in Level 4 suggested to use Arduino NANO board instead of Arduino UNO board and NodeMCU board instead of Arduino WeMos board. The suggestion is made because the project if possible is develop as small as possible. The suggestion is being considered.

Size of the new signal conditioning circuit.
*click to expand image*

 5.  Final Year Project 2 Workshop

πŸ“†  2 October 2019
⌚  3.00 pm to 5.00 pm
πŸ“¬  TTL 2

πŸ“Œ Speaker : Dr Imran Mohd Sofi
πŸ“Œ Workshop on FYP2 Exhibition Day (Tips & Tricks) and submission of progress report, final report and technical paper.
πŸ“Œ Submission date for the progress report, final report and technical paper : 29 November 2019

 6.  Buy components for the development of hardware.

πŸ“†  3 October 2019
πŸ“¬  Autobotic Sdn Bhd, 4th floor, Jalan Semarak Api 3

πŸ“Œ After being considered with the suggestion by the technician and further reading of the component datasheet, the Arduino NANO board and NodeMcu board were bought from the Autobotic Sdn Bhd. 
πŸ“Œ  Arduino NANO board is a small, complete, breadboard-friendly board compare to the Arduino UNO board which is much bigger in size. Even though the Arduino UNO board can use to do lots of things due to its input and output pin is more compared to the Arduino NANO board but because the sound sensor only required one analog pin, it is better to use Arduino NANO board to save space. Arduino NANO board can also be programmed in it and the hardware will be simpler easier to bring everywhere. This is convenient for this project as the prototype needs to be as tiny as possible and the Arduino NANO board is the cheapest Arduino board option available making it cost-effective for this project.
πŸ“Œ  NodeMCU board is the best ESP platform available if look from the hardware perspective. NodeMCU can be programmed the same as the Arduino board and it can stand alone. It is used as Wi-Fi module in this project. Even though Arduino WeMos board has the same function as NodeMCU board but due to it has bigger dimension, NodeMCU is much more convenient to be used.

Arduino NANO board and NodeMCU board connection
*click to expand image*

7.  Coding - TelegramBot

πŸ“†  5 October 2019

πŸ“Œ This coding is actually the continuing of the previous TelegramBot coding. The previous problem is because the Telegram still cannot be connected to the Arduino WeMos board. 
πŸ“Œ After being troubleshooting for several days, the problem with the coding is because the library of Arduino JSON that been installed is version 6.12.0. This version is the latest of Arduino JSON thus, it is still not stable and not compatible with the Telegram. That is why Arduino WeMos cannot connect to the Telegram via the Wi-Fi network. After downgraded the version Arduino JSON from 6.12.0 to 5.13.4, Arduino WeMos successfully transmit the data from Arduino UNO board to the Telegram via Wi-Fi connection.

Arduino JSON version 5.13.4
*click to expand image*

Telegram alarmpmBot notification on battery failure and NIBP cuff failure
*click to expand image*

πŸ“Œ Due to the hardware is advised to be as small as possible, the coding for interpreting data is uploaded in the Arduino NANO board as a replacement for the Arduino UNO board meanwhile the coding for TelegramBot is uploaded into the NodeMCU as a replacement for the Arduino WeMos board. At first, I want to use only NodeMCU to function as the interpreter data and the receiver and transmitter of the output because NodeMCU can stand alone with the Arduino program but because of NodeMCU cannot read interrupt function, the prototype must use Arduino NANO board and NodeMCU together to make it function well.

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success 
when the gave up." 
Thomas Edison

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Development of a Characteristics Error False Alarm Detection