
Nur Farhana binti Shahrul Azhar
Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Medical Electronics

This blog is created for updating progress of Final Year Project 2 S2 2019 under supervision of Mr Shah Rizailli Mukhtar

Final Year Project 2 :
Development of a Characteristics Error False Alarm Detection

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"Even with broken wings,
I'll teach myself to fly again"
Week 16

Assalamualaikum and hi! โšฝ

Week : 16
Date  : 10 Nov 2019 - 16 Nov 2019

Activities :

 1.  Collection of Data - Waveform

๐Ÿ“†  14 November 2019
๐Ÿ“ฌ  FYP Room, Level 2

๐Ÿ“Œ For this project, there are two alarms that must be collecting the data of the sound waveform which are the NIBP sound alarm and battery failure sound alarm. The data of NIBP sound alarm is collected by conducting 20 tests. Each test is observed by reading the frequency of the waveform for the full cycle and the positive width of the cycle. The serial monitor data calculated by the coding is also recorded. All of the data taken is captured using camera, the value of the reading is written in the Microsoft Excel to calculate the average value of the waveform's frequency, average value of the serial monitor's frequency, the difference between waveform's frequency and serial monitor's frequency and the percentage error of the differences between both value.

2.  Soldering New Sound Sensor

๐Ÿ“Œ  Due to the microphone of the sound sensor is broken, the microphone is soldered back to the sensor but it still cannot be used. Thus, a new FC-04 sound sensor module is bought and soldered to complete the hardware of the project. So, the collection of data can be continued done. 

"The future depends on what you do today." 
Mahatma Gandhi

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Development of a Characteristics Error False Alarm Detection